What does the curriculum for Cosmetologist cover?
The course will cover the “Curriculum for Cosmetologist” outlined in paragraph 950.2 of the Barbering and Cosmetology Rules and Regulations. The curriculum for student’s enrolled in the Cosmetologist Course shall consist of sixteen hundred (1000) clock hours of technical instruction and practice all operations covering all practices constituting the art of cosmetology pursuant to Section 7362.52 of the Barbering and Cosmetology Act. Technical instruction shall mean instruction by demonstration, lecture, classroom participation, or examination; practical operations shall mean the actual performance by the student of the complete service on another person or on a mannequin.
What is the tuition policy and fees policy?
All tuition’s and fees are payable in advance. Payment may be made monthly. The schedule is determined by dividing the tuition by length of the course. Cosmetology is 40 weeks and payments are made in advance each month.
(Cosmetology Course):
Tuition $10,450.00 | Refundable *Change of Status: $25.00
Supply Kit $1,650.00 | Not Refundable **Transfer Fee: $250.00
Registration Fee $250.00 | Not Refundable ***Smock: $27.00
Text Book $410.00 | Not Refundable *Applies if your contract must be redone
Total: $12,760.00
(Total Charges For The Current Period of Instruction)
** Applies to transfer students. ***Applies if you buy a smock from the school. STRF Fee $2.50 Not Refundable